Cost of removing a tree in Toronto

Find the costs and prices involved with removing a tree in Toronto

Estimating the cost of removing a tree requires many factors to be considered. The height, width and the location of the tree on the property all determine the price of removing a tree. Trees with a close proximity to local utilities or power lines, are specific liability issues and require certain risk factors.To most property owners, pricing a tree removal job is ambiguous as to what’s fair and what’s not. Rule of thumb is that the higher the risk , the more pricey the job. For example, a tree the is situated right next to your home or a structure, will be more logistically tricky and would be more to remove than a tree that is at the end of a property all on it’s own, with a lot of room around it. Tree service companies are usually handling multiple projects at any given time and would rather spend as little time as possible on each project. They would love to come in remove the tree and move out to the next job.The responsibility lies on the property owner to find out about purchasing permits for the local municipality.


Prices vary from tree to tree, depending on the differences between them. Small trees can range anywhere from $175-$500 depending on the complexity of the situation. A small tree would be anything under 25 feet.A tree that is 25-75 feet can range from $200-$1000 to have removed. And of course the logistics of the individual tree will also effect price of removing it.Trees generally over 75 feet can be upwards of $1500 to remove. All trees that have a close proximity to your home will have a more complicated removal process and ultimately cost more. Check out this article here : Dealing with leaning trees.


Hurricanes, tornadoes, ice storms all damage trees in their wake, these trees are complex to remove. Sometimes in these situations there are trees that have been uprooted and left in very awkward positions such as on roofs or in them! Tree service companies have the responsibility of removing any tree from your property without inflicting and further damage. And for this reason very large trees with massive diameter can go to over $10,000 to remove. Most of these large trees require a crane to be rented to lift the tree and limbs off the house without damaging the house. Cranes are fairly expensive to rent and require a professional to handle. As you can see, estimation the cost of removing a tree is very dependent on a lot of factors.


When removing a tree, it usually includes cutting it down and moving all cut pieces, limbs and all to the landfill or elsewhere. Any or all methods of removing the tree are included in this price, including climbing, roping and cutting the tree into pieces . It’s always a good idea to ask the company you’re going with, if the price includes the hauling of the trunk pieces away. Some companies charge a pretty penny to have the pieces removed on top of the price of removing the tree from wherever it is.Stump grinding is a service that is not usually included in the price of the tree removal quote.  Most companies have other experts they sub-contract the removal of stumps and grinding of stumps to. It’s a good idea to ask the company you are using if they have stump removal as a service. The diameter of the stump is usually what determines the cost of grinding it, but generally they run from $60-$400 to grind down.The more you want or need done, and the risk involved are the driving factors of the cost to remove your tree. It’s straight forward the complexity and logistics that will determine what you will ultimately pay in the end. If for example you live in rural country, and you have a means of chopping the wood, then all you’d need is for the tree to be dropped and that would be significantly less. If you’re in the city, most companies will clean everything up except the saw dust. This is why it’s important for you the property owner to discuss what your options are while getting your tree removal estimate.

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